A team of Veteran Claims Coaches will assist you in applying for disability compensation, pension benefits and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) benefits for family member(s).
AMVET Post 9-1-1 provided the following information: Mental Health Opioid Overdose Vaping Affects Diabetes High Blood Pressure GA National Cemetery Standdown 9-28-24 Disability's Workshop Mondays Bingo Thanks to our members: Jump-Masters Jeff and Rickey, Chaplin Searcy, David Whitt, and Clarence Stewart
February 19, 2024, marks the 83rd birthday of the United States Coast Guard Reserve. The Coast Guard Reserve was established on February 19, 1941 by the Coast Guard Reserve and Auxiliary Act. The act also established the Coast Guard Auxiliary, which was originally known as the Coast Guard Reserve
Facebook Veterans, Veteran organizations, Active Service Members and friends & families of All: AMVETS Post 911 is hosting our annual Stand Down event on September 28th!! Please support and if anyone is interested in providing any service/s to our Veterans on behalf of yourself and/or organization please contact us for more information. Also, please disseminate to your…
A team of Veteran Claims Coaches will assist you in applying for disability compensation, pension benefits and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) benefits for family member(s).